Friday, August 27, 2010


Whew.  Just coming off a week on the night shift, and my sleep schedule is a bit off.  I have to say though, the 12 -hour shifts aren't as bad as I expected; I guess the pace is more relaxed than on the ship.  I have one more day of work tomorrow (on the day shift, unfortunately for my messed up sleep cycle), and then get to enjoy a glorious four days exploring Seoul and enjoying everyday life with my handsome husband!  Mike has a four-day weekend as well--it's the first time he's been able to come down to Seoul since I've been moved in at the ah-pah-tu.  But I've been able to go up to his place at least once a week, which is nice.  I mostly hang out in the barracks while he's at work, sleeping, browsing his extensive TV show collection, and taking care of domestic chores.  I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really enjoying being a housewife (or I suppose barrackswife).  Of course getting to spend time with Mike is a pretty big part of that, but I'm actually enjoying the domestic chores, too.

My last three-day weekend I did a few loads of laundry--including battling some stains on a couple of Mike's dress shirts that have lived in the dirty clothes pile for several months, cleaned the kitchen, put up the rest of the privacy vinyl sticky stuff on the windows, and cooked, a lot.  I made black bean hummus, zucchini bread, beef stroganoff, sweet potato fries, chicken pot pie, and rice crispy treats.  I would say I was a regular Betty Crocker, except I'm still a bit new at this housewife stuff, and not everything came out exactly as I'd hoped.  Turns out Old Bay isn't a great substitute for cumin, and Bisquick gets really fluffy if you leave it sitting in the bowl too long. Still, my sweet husband ate everything (or at least waited until I wasn't looking to throw it away), told me I was a great cook, and thanked me profusely for stocking his fridge for the week.  And the chicken pot pie was pretty good, even if the top was too fluffy.  I think for next week I'm going to do a beef curry, either chicken pesto pasta or lemon honey chicken, and perhaps another kind of bread.  It's so nice, cooking with all of the gadgets and dishes we got as wedding gifts!  So nice having time to cook!  And so, so nice, eating meals with my husband on a semi-regular basis.

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