Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I'm back to being a day-walker after a few weeks of night shift.  Whew!  Even better--I got to spend a Saturday  with my husband.  It's been a while since we both had a whole day off on the same day, and were awake at roughly the same times.  I was greedily looking forward to having him to myself for an entire day, but it was not to be.  The command leash cell phone rang in the early afternoon--his soldiers needed some supplies for the "haunted barracks" they were putting together for the kids on post.  So off to the post exchange we went, only to discover that the exchange, having pretty much skipped Halloween and gone straight to Christmas, was selling tree skirts and a random selection of pudding molds and ornaments.  On October 30.  But we did the best we could--a couple of pillows to sacrifice for spider webs, some streamers, balloons, and fake snow.

I have to say, the soldiers were pretty creative.  They put together an impressively scary haunted barracks--especially given the time and resource constraints.  The made use of all kinds of stuff--uniform parts, supply tape, chem lights; they even brought a tank up to the barracks.

Everyone seemed to have a good time.  

And my sweet husband got to experience, for the first time, the fun of gutting a pumpkin!

I think he preferred the carving.

 We couldn't find the candle we had bought, so we made-do with a chem light.

Happy Halloween!


  1. it was also my first year carving a pumpkin! and first time trying roasted pumpkin seeds. glad you guys had a fun halloween! :)

  2. You'd never know he was a novice - GREAT job on the pumkin, Mike.
    No sliced hand? Not trip the the ER? Not continuing that particular family tradition, Jean Anne?
    Hope you get to spend the next holiday together, too.
