Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a good New Year's celebration.  My wonderful husband and I hosted a few of the Camp Casey crowd down in Seoul for the night, but my jet-lagged self couldn't stay awake long enough to ring in 2011.  No big deal though; the handsome husband and I got to celebrate together for an ENTIRE WEEKEND with no work and only minimal interruptions from the command-issued cell phone leash.  Glorious!

I had a great Christmas with my family too (although I wish my sweet husband and I could have been together).  The best part of course was spending time with family; going to Opryland in Nashville and the Camp family farm in Alabama were also really fun.

I think I already posted this one, but it's just so pretty!

Sharing the backseat.  

Out the window, somewhere between Huntsville and Nashville.


One-horse open carriage

The farm

Grandmother at the farm

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your home town visit. They look very good. We love you.
